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Wednesday 19th April 2006 09:01:58 AM

i think i can spend a million alone in a week...got nth to do will make me wander around or spend money..last night i didnt want to be back home...(u know why recently) so did a hair treatment as planned. The hair dresser Moon sells me a better treatment costs 4xx and i asked for the 2nd best..while she told me both will only last for 2 weeks...i am like...then i cannot show u the silky effect as she claims???!! but end up, i can tell u, u miss nth, i cannot see any big difference...and pretty sure it wont last for 24 hours...lol

i read magazines and kill time there...come across this great pic...


a guy Howard Hallis claims to have drawn a picture of¡K well everything. It all started in 1997 when he began doing a drawing of Spider-Man. This led him to drawing other super heroes from Marvel and DC around him in the picture. Soon there was Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Spawn and The Hulk. He did not stop there. He went on drawing everything he couls think of on a 8.5 by 11 inch pieces of regular typing paper, held together by scotch tape and separated into four massive sections. These sections were each approximately 76.5 inches in width and 44 inches in length, bringing the completed picture to 76.5 by 176 inches.


HULK...remember the hulk by the Taipo river... haha

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