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Friday 01st June 2007 04:58:42 PM

呢幾日真係估都估唔到會有咁多估都估唔到既發展...其實都幾驚,因為話晒依家都係重點培訓唔知算新定舊既年青人,老細又俾好多exposure我when compared to other executives我算多機會,而且依家呢team人真係相處得好開心。但人總係望高處,有機會升rank做assit.Ger梗係都想試下啦。今次仲係被點名叫去試tim,就算最後唔得,人地睇起,都好開心既。我呢幾日(夜晚都有d訓唔著)分析整件事,有以下concerns:

1. can i get along with new boss? i had very bad experience with boss in previous job and make me think that this is the top priority when considering change job or not

2. if i cannot perform well, may affect ah bei too... before ppl already always say its no good for couple to work in same company.....the new change will even shorten the distance..... really so in the same company

3. MONEY.....now the local office seem gives more bonus and salary increment.... on average ppl at ah bei's floor is under paid

4. 1027 big project is the no1 priority, will i face tight working schedule...working OT everynite, and what they think about my 3 weeks leave by that time?

5. if fail, current boss will classify me as 2-5, but in fact i dont ask for it myself ah, other team Head Hunt jar

against all, still worth trying....as i know if i stay here, the other promotion will not be soon, at least Q1 next yr....but now chance comes..why not make myself advance....n 同細契一樣為啖氣.....如果學歷高d"升途"唔快d,咁讀黎做乜。

Monday 04th June 2007 10:29:48 AM
From: CTze
Dont worry about me ar bei... Of course i want you good ar bei....i also feel very ng dai for you...for people having the same treat with you but with lower qualification...ho ng dai no matter what, i will always support you ar...even if new job have any problem...of course i will help you have to catch the chance when it comes ar...add oil bei bei!

Saturday 02nd June 2007 11:56:23 PM
From: jenjen
有機會要試下呢~ 雖然我地既field唔同, 不過我會支持你架~~ 我都開始要努力, 同你一樣, 人望高處呢~

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