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Monday 13th November 2006 10:22:04 AM

we come to another milestone, to hunt for a shelter hee hee...so happy...cant wait the days come...

november flied away quicker than ever, which is good, that means not long will be 2007 and not long will be another October

thank  herman for lion hunts for us, now i better go for some drafts before the handicraft shop close ah..

1111 went hiking with colleagues, the 全記海鮮 in saikung really so nice, the "勝子王" is super huge and yummy

Tuesday 14th November 2006 02:04:55 PM
From: Jenjen
wow, hunting for yours' sweet home, hee, so nice so nice. which district you prefer?? =) Yes, i know you mentioned the towel was not worth to go, but not our trip, hee, seems the macau trip was the one and only one trip we went~ really looking forward whether we will have other chances to go for a trip together.

Monday 13th November 2006 05:24:12 PM
From: CTze
It was so happy and enjoyable that to hunt flats with my bei bei....the process is so funny. Really hope that we can soon find the perfect place and we can live together very soon...so looking forward to that ar. and thanks Herman for helping us so much!

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