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Wednesday 11th October 2006 08:50:57 AM

after two days of exercises, my legs no 抽筋during the night...good good....just like an aging woman...all problems come out...or may be because last last week is so lack of stretching and/or exercises

The instructer always wear a 西褲to do yoga.....while it's never an obstacle to his 柔軟度.....i guess just the dirty floor infringes me from putting my whole thigh back my head...i should try at home later wakaka...inhaleX10 + exhaleX10

i found last yr the mid autumn photo prettier...lets make a comparasion:

and report u what happened that night after the family dinner on mid autumn nite, the wheels of 72X  deflate and we have to rush to the 75X on Tolo Harbour...these photos feel like xxxx各自飛

Wednesday 11th October 2006 09:10:12 AM
From: CTze
actually I feel both of us look better this year...may be just it was so rush to take the photo this year.... Lets try that shoulder dance thing at home again..hehe..I am sure my bei bei can do it Too bad i wasnt there with my bei bei on that night...if not...we will have a photo together in the middle of tolo highway....so cool!

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