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Wednesday 27th September 2006 04:20:25 PM

cant believe its another 7-11....i think its as unhealthy as the gambling industry in Macau....recently always read the macau university graduates so grey about their future when everyone in macau can only get oneself in the gambling industry to make a good living....

while the rent for a shop in those shopping arcade, even its just taipo plaza, keeps raising, so we can only find similar chain stores in the shopping arcades...we dont need to go around for shopping, coz every arcades is just the same...with IT chain store...and no small shops and boutiques can survive...

before around where i live is full of local restaurants, etc while now only the real estates/property companies can pay the high rent, beside, is 7-11...around the few blocks i can see 4 of them around....i know it is convenient but on the other hand makes the community so boring

beibei's bday is coming...makes me so nervous....its good for us to have a long weekend to celebrate your big day ... on the other hand, i have to think about where should we go around....hope its going to be so much fun...i have just gone for the cake...hee i think it;s going to be nice...

Friday 29th September 2006 12:20:38 PM
From: CTze
I believe my bday will be so much fun, even just sticking with my bei is already full of joyful and so enjoyable. Everywhere will be so packed during this long weekend and I really do not like that....so it really depends you like it or not when your bday is on public holiday.

Thursday 28th September 2006 11:30:08 AM
From: Jenjen
是呢, 香港的competition太大了, 小商店跟本難以生存.

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