Vincent Poon :: OceanView
Oceanview was the buffet restaurant where you came here mainly for breakfast, and lunches (when you were not out), and afternoon tea (if you were still hungry), and midnight snacks... basically almost 24 hrs around the clock you would find something. The good news was, the food was quite good and had much variety for a buffet restaurant on a cruise boat and we always came back to explore after our dinners in Opus to see what we had missed for the night!
Visits: 493 times
Last changed: Nov 01, 2013
69 items in this album
Sausages and crispy bacons. At the back are egg benedicts
Even for sausages they have different varieties.  Besides the sausages are black puddings... I was really surprised to see this outside UK.
scramble eggs and potatoes
Toppings for omelettes - mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, peppers, ham, spinach, bacon, salmon, asparagus, scallions, cheddar, swiss cheese, mozzarella, feta....
Sausages and crispy bacons. At the back are egg benedicts
Even for sausages they have different varieties. Besides the sausages are black puddings... I was really surprised to see this outside UK.
scramble eggs and potatoes
Toppings for omelettes - mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, peppers, ham, spinach, bacon, salmon, asparagus, scallions, cheddar, swiss cheese, mozzarella, feta....
Chefs doing the eggs, they make omelettes, fried eggs... to the way you like them
muffins and danish pastries
The veranda of Oceanview is a nice place to enjoy your meal, especially when the ship has been docked.
Chefs doing the eggs, they make omelettes, fried eggs... to the way you like them
muffins and danish pastries
The veranda of Oceanview is a nice place to enjoy your meal, especially when the ship has been docked.
Enjoying the breakfast outside with the cliff and the white houses of Santorini in the background
Enjoying breakfast in Piraeus, port of Athens
Typical breakfast with bacon, mushroom, baked beans and sunny side up
This time I tried the french bread, the corn beef and the omelette (with egg white only)
Enjoying the breakfast outside with the cliff and the white houses of Santorini in the background
Enjoying breakfast in Piraeus, port of Athens
Typical breakfast with bacon, mushroom, baked beans and sunny side up
This time I tried the french bread, the corn beef and the omelette (with egg white only)
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