Vincent Poon :: Deck 5
Deck 5 marks the top floor of the Reflection Theatre... More expensive boutiques, and a vast array of Specialty Restaurants, bars and lounges. Come here to get fed and drunk!
Visits: 404 times
Last changed: Oct 06, 2013
36 items in this album
Molecular Bar is where they mix fruits together with drinks..
A variety of fruits
A variety of drinks
Bistro on Five is one of the pay restaurantes ($5 extra) to enjoy your crepes, panini, soups or salads
Molecular Bar is where they mix fruits together with drinks..
A variety of fruits
A variety of drinks
Bistro on Five is one of the pay restaurantes ($5 extra) to enjoy your crepes, panini, soups or salads
Inside Bistro on 5
They also sell cookbook for the stuff they made on board
A display of wines at the entrance of Bistro on 5
Cafe al Bacio is a coffee shop with a sea view...
Inside Bistro on 5
They also sell cookbook for the stuff they made on board
A display of wines at the entrance of Bistro on 5
Cafe al Bacio is a coffee shop with a sea view...
Besides coffee, these are the stuff you can also buy
and Cafe al Bacio also has famouse Italian gelatos
The making of one of the gelato products
Finished product! No, it wasn't us who ordered...
Besides coffee, these are the stuff you can also buy
and Cafe al Bacio also has famouse Italian gelatos
The making of one of the gelato products
Finished product! No, it wasn't us who ordered...
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