Vincent Poon :: Deck 4
Deck 4 is more interesting. The 2-storey dining room continues... so is the 3-storey Reflection Theatre. On top of that more bars, shops on the Boulevard, a Casio as well as Conference Centers (wait...who wants to do conferences during a cruise?!)
Visits: 530 times
Last changed: Oct 14, 2013
48 items in this album
A different entrance
Jewellery Sale, they said the brand is comparable to Pandora
Quite a few shops on the Boulevard. These are more for souvenirs. Expensive shops are upstairs
Bailey Sale! Can someone tell me if it is a good deal?
A different entrance
Jewellery Sale, they said the brand is comparable to Pandora
Quite a few shops on the Boulevard. These are more for souvenirs. Expensive shops are upstairs
Bailey Sale! Can someone tell me if it is a good deal?
Arts on display - quite funny actually
I started to wonder if the baseball and the bat are originally there when the artist made these
Art piece for auction
Arts on display - quite funny actually

I started to wonder if the baseball and the bat are originally there when the artist made these
Art piece for auction
Another piece for auction
This is literally 3D btw
Conference Center
.... and they use it to play ping-pongs
Another piece for auction
This is literally 3D btw
Conference Center
.... and they use it to play ping-pongs
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