Vincent Poon :: Deck 15 & Solstice Deck
Deck 15 is where the green lawn and the Alcoves are. The Alcoves are so bloody expensive no one really bothered to rent. The Sunset Bar is definitely the place to hangout to before and after dinner. Or if you want something different, how about a class in the Art Studio or a game of basketball inside a cage? As for the Solstice Deck, just forget it except that it is the highest deck you can reach to....
Visits: 429 times
Last changed: Oct 07, 2013
44 items in this album
The bar chairs glow with a neon-purple light
This LED candle light made the atmosphere of the bar really good
The stairs between sunset bar and oceanview
Sunset Bar in the morning, is that why no one is here?
The bar chairs glow with a neon-purple light
This LED candle light made the atmosphere of the bar really good
The stairs between sunset bar and oceanview
Sunset Bar in the morning, is that why no one is here?
This is Solstice Deck, the highest point you can reach in the ship
The radars and other communication equipment
Enjoying the sunset in Solstice Deck
Besides the satelite communicator is the basket ball court
This is Solstice Deck, the highest point you can reach in the ship
The radars and other communication equipment
Enjoying the sunset in Solstice Deck
Besides the satelite communicator is the basket ball court
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