Vincent Poon :: "Superb" Natasha and Friends
Russian girls met during a snorkelling trip in Sharm el-sheikh. Some of them would take their first scuba dive ever in this scenic Ras Mohamed National Park!
Visits: 1013 times
Last changed: May 16, 2007
32 items in this album
The girls were very happy at the beginning of the trip!
Pre-dive briefing. Natasha was the translator between the instructor and her friends
Instructor showing how to wear the mask and the BCD.
Natasha was enjoying herself in the Red Sea
The girls were very happy at the beginning of the trip!
Pre-dive briefing. Natasha was the translator between the instructor and her friends
Instructor showing how to wear the mask and the BCD.
Natasha was enjoying herself in the Red Sea
Suddenly, her friends got pushed into the water while sitting on the edge. They were not too happy and were staring at the person who thought it was just a joke.
When I got back to the boat after my first snorkel, one of her friends was seemingly having a good time with the fat instructor/guide
Instructor: "Will you marry me?"
Natasha's First Dive: In the water!
Suddenly, her friends got pushed into the water while sitting on the edge. They were not too happy and were staring at the person who thought it was just a joke.
When I got back to the boat after my first snorkel, one of her friends was seemingly having a good time with the fat instructor/guide
Instructor: "Will you marry me?"
Natasha's First Dive: In the water!
Instructor was doing the finally check before going down
Instructor: "Try to equalize, ok?"
Natasha was obviously trying very hard to blow her nose....
Instructor was helping her to blow her nose?!
Seems that Natasha finally managed to equalize.. so off they go, with the instructor grabbing her along the voyage.
Instructor was doing the finally check before going down
Instructor: "Try to equalize, ok?" Natasha was obviously trying very hard to blow her nose....
Instructor was helping her to blow her nose?!
Seems that Natasha finally managed to equalize.. so off they go, with the instructor grabbing her along the voyage.
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