Vincent Poon :: Food of Marrakesh

First taste to Moroccan Food like couscous, tajine, skewers (?) and not to mention the Moroccan McDonald's and the Moroccan Coke!
Visits: 642 times
Last changed: Apr 05, 2011
27 items in this album
First dinner in Marrakesh - after walking about 20 min from my hotel
First dinner - Chicken Tajine + Fanta (33 DHM)
Breakfast at Riad Suliman
Lunch at Cafe inside Marrakesh Museum
First dinner in Marrakesh - after walking about 20 min from my hotel
First dinner - Chicken Tajine + Fanta (33 DHM)
Breakfast at Riad Suliman
Lunch at Cafe inside Marrakesh Museum
Menu - only cold sandwiches are available
tomato, tuna and egg (+olives) sandwich (50 DHM)
Cafe des epices, inside spice bazaar
people enjoy reading while listening to the hustle'n bustle outside
Menu - only cold sandwiches are available
tomato, tuna and egg (+olives) sandwich (50 DHM)
Cafe des epices, inside spice bazaar
people enjoy reading while listening to the hustle'n bustle outside
The cafe has multiple storeys
Not sure if the hats are available for rent
Top floor of the cafe, where you can enjoy the sunset in Marrakesh, which I did
Mini mint tea at cafe des epices (12 DHM)
The cafe has multiple storeys
Not sure if the hats are available for rent
Top floor of the cafe, where you can enjoy the sunset in Marrakesh, which I did
Mini mint tea at cafe des epices (12 DHM)
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