Vincent Poon :: Medina, the old City

Fes' medina is ancient and people in there still live and work in their old ways... being inside is just like stepping back in time to the medieval times... and sorry about the ordering of the pictures as they were as lost as I was.
Visits: 990 times
Last changed: Feb 02, 2011
71 items in this album
Karaouiyine Mosque
Ablutions Basin - Karaouiyine Mosque
Fondouk Tastawniyine / Tsetaoiniene - 14th Century... oh and it's entrance is free too!
Inside the fondouk
Karaouiyine Mosque
Ablutions Basin - Karaouiyine Mosque
Fondouk Tastawniyine / Tsetaoiniene - 14th Century... oh and it's entrance is free too!
Inside the fondouk
Alley inside the medina
I always wonder what the buckets were for...
No he is not walking the ram, I think he is looking for potential buyers...
No, those are not strawberries...
Alley inside the medina
I always wonder what the buckets were for...
No he is not walking the ram, I think he is looking for potential buyers...
No, those are not strawberries...
Look at what they are selling?
On the way to find the imperial palace, I found this instead. The policeman there told me to forget it as the palace was not worth seeing...
Just outside Bab Bou Jeloud, a very interesting old building
Look at what they are selling?
On the way to find the imperial palace, I found this instead. The policeman there told me to forget it as the palace was not worth seeing...
Just outside Bab Bou Jeloud, a very interesting old building
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