Vincent Poon :: Medina, the old City

Fes' medina is ancient and people in there still live and work in their old ways... being inside is just like stepping back in time to the medieval times... and sorry about the ordering of the pictures as they were as lost as I was.
Visits: 989 times
Last changed: Feb 02, 2011
71 items in this album
Bab Boujeloud
Bab Boujeloud, where most restaurants are located
The restaurant Le Kabash has got a nice view at the top, recommended!
Alley inside the medina
Bab Boujeloud
Bab Boujeloud, where most restaurants are located
The restaurant Le Kabash has got a nice view at the top, recommended!
Alley inside the medina
To help people find their routes, along the alleyways are different coloured pointers (though they didn't really help much!)
The water clock, don't ask me how it works... (legend says each hour a window will open and drop a weight into the respective bowl (now removed)
The medersa also has its own mosque and green-tiled minaret
To help people find their routes, along the alleyways are different coloured pointers (though they didn't really help much!)

The water clock, don't ask me how it works... (legend says each hour a window will open and drop a weight into the respective bowl (now removed)
The medersa also has its own mosque and green-tiled minaret
Medersa Bou Inania - the finest of Fes' theological colleges
The corridor inside
The columns deco usually composes of 3 bands: tilework below (not shown), cursive script (black) in the centre and stuccowork above
A bit of a run down but nevertheless very impressive carving
Medersa Bou Inania - the finest of Fes' theological colleges
The corridor inside
The columns deco usually composes of 3 bands: tilework below (not shown), cursive script (black) in the centre and stuccowork above
A bit of a run down but nevertheless very impressive carving
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