Vincent Poon :: Nazareth
We all know Jesus is from Nazareth and this is the place where the Annunciation took place and where Jesus grew up as a child. This place is more focused on the Holy Family rather than Jesus himself
Visits: 456 times
Last changed: Jul 19, 2014
47 items in this album
As I stayed in the old city in Jerusalem, I was told to walk and wait here for pickup at around 530am. The walk in such an early morning was rather pleasant...
... but the wait was not. This was a shot of wedding car out of boredom. The hired taxi!! finally came after an hour's time and drove me to Tel Aviv (another 45 min) to meet others. (yes wait again!)
The tour was run by Ben Harim. We finally set off with this mini-van. The driver was also the tour guide.
We drove through the valley of Armageddon where it will take place at the end of the world. (Revelation 16:16)
As I stayed in the old city in Jerusalem, I was told to walk and wait here for pickup at around 530am. The walk in such an early morning was rather pleasant...
... but the wait was not. This was a shot of wedding car out of boredom. The hired taxi!! finally came after an hour's time and drove me to Tel Aviv (another 45 min) to meet others. (yes wait again!)
The tour was run by Ben Harim. We finally set off with this mini-van. The driver was also the tour guide.
We drove through the valley of Armageddon where it will take place at the end of the world. (Revelation 16:16)
Finally we arrived in Nazareth where Jesus lived in his childhood.
Basilica of the Annunciation was established at the site where Annunciation took place. (Angel Gabriel told Virgin Mary that she would bear a child named Jesus) They are shown on the top of the facade.
This 1969 Franciscan Church is probably the 5th version after the previous versions were destroyed..
On the front facade shows the 4 Gospel Saints. This is St. Matthew
Finally we arrived in Nazareth where Jesus lived in his childhood.
Basilica of the Annunciation was established at the site where Annunciation took place. (Angel Gabriel told Virgin Mary that she would bear a child named Jesus) They are shown on the top of the facade.
This 1969 Franciscan Church is probably the 5th version after the previous versions were destroyed..
On the front facade shows the 4 Gospel Saints. This is St. Matthew
St. Mark
St. Luke
St. John
Next to the Church is a courtyard that shows Virgin Mary and infant Jesus sent from different Catholics communities of the world
St. Mark
St. Luke
St. John
Next to the Church is a courtyard that shows Virgin Mary and infant Jesus sent from different Catholics communities of the world
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