Vincent Poon :: Masada (4-Sep)
Once used by Herod the Great, this 440m high mountain-top fortress was most famous for the Roman siege in 66AD when the revolting Jews captured this as the last stronghold for 2 years before fallen after all the remaining 1000 defenders committed a mass suicide rather than surrendering. 
'Masada Shall Not fall Again' is now a swearing-in oath of the Israeli defense force (IDF) 
Visits: 1366 times
Last changed: Jun 10, 2012
84 items in this album
Descending  down to the lower terrace of Herod's Northern Palace
The circular platform is the middle terrace, the stairs lead down to the lower terrace
Also known as the 'Hanging' Palace, with its three terraces this was Herod's private villa. The middle terrace had a circular hall for entertainment
Descending down to the lower terrace of Herod's Northern Palace
The circular platform is the middle terrace, the stairs lead down to the lower terrace

Also known as the 'Hanging' Palace, with its three terraces this was Herod's private villa. The middle terrace had a circular hall for entertainment
The lower terrace featured a courtyard bordered by columns with Frescoes on the walls pretending to be marbles.
They insist for me to take a photo for them - Say Cheese!
These Israelis were the most friendliest bunch I have met during my trip
Let's have a hug!
The lower terrace featured a courtyard bordered by columns with Frescoes on the walls pretending to be marbles.
They insist for me to take a photo for them - Say Cheese!
These Israelis were the most friendliest bunch I have met during my trip
Let's have a hug!
Climbing back up to the upper terrace and the main site
Yes, there were water fountains here if you are desperate...
I am surprised what birds like this are doing here at this barren place?
Jewish Ritual Bath
Climbing back up to the upper terrace and the main site
Yes, there were water fountains here if you are desperate...
I am surprised what birds like this are doing here at this barren place?
Jewish Ritual Bath
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