Vincent Poon :: Food and Beverages

Again in Middle East the purpose of F & B was barely to fill-up the stomach and stopped me from dehydrating. It was getting really worse when I entered Jordan during Ramandan.. where everyone would not eat nor drink while the sun was out. Of course the visitors wouldn't need to follow the rituals but then finding people selling food during the day was the challenge!
Visits: 1595 times
Last changed: Jul 17, 2009
93 items in this album
31/8 - Most of the shops were closed after 7 (yes, including restaurants). I felt guilty of ordering while the staff had to pray.
31/8 Dinner, old city caferia, near Christian Quarter, Jerusalem - Kebab and mint tea (NIS 35 = HKD 78)
1/9 Lunch, restaurant inside a bazzar, on top of Mount Olive. The outside looked pretty horrible.
Inside the restaurant was a lot nicer with carved stone walls. However I was the only guest there.
31/8 - Most of the shops were closed after 7 (yes, including restaurants). I felt guilty of ordering while the staff had to pray.
31/8 Dinner, old city caferia, near Christian Quarter, Jerusalem - Kebab and mint tea (NIS 35 = HKD 78)
1/9 Lunch, restaurant inside a bazzar, on top of Mount Olive. The outside looked pretty horrible.
Inside the restaurant was a lot nicer with carved stone walls. However I was the only guest there.
1/9 lunch - Chicken Kebab + Coke (and some "side dishes") (NIS 32)
Coke with pull tab! It seems that I have won, could anybody tell me what prize did I win?
1/9 dinner - After last night's lesson, I decided to find one recommended by LP - Amigo Emil, Christian Quarter
Inside Amigo Emil - 400 yr old bldg chiselled down to the bare stone foundations
1/9 lunch - Chicken Kebab + Coke (and some "side dishes") (NIS 32)
Coke with pull tab! It seems that I have won, could anybody tell me what prize did I win?
1/9 dinner - After last night's lesson, I decided to find one recommended by LP - Amigo Emil, Christian Quarter
Inside Amigo Emil - 400 yr old bldg chiselled down to the bare stone foundations
1/9 dinner - mushroom soup (salty), pizza? quiche? (too many olives) and ice mint tea (NIS 58)
1/9-4/9 breakfast - Lutheran Guest House - buffet
Lutheran Guest House breakfast - Lots of varieties there but not paritcularly appealing to me.
Lutheran Guest House breakfast - I only touched these. Btw, same stuff for all 3 days. (One day I had a packed breakfast)
1/9 dinner - mushroom soup (salty), pizza? quiche? (too many olives) and ice mint tea (NIS 58)
1/9-4/9 breakfast - Lutheran Guest House - buffet
Lutheran Guest House breakfast - Lots of varieties there but not paritcularly appealing to me.
Lutheran Guest House breakfast - I only touched these. Btw, same stuff for all 3 days. (One day I had a packed breakfast)
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