Vincent Poon :: The Citadel (15th Apr 2007)
The Citadel was home to the Egypt's rulers for 700 years and contain a collection of mosques, palaces and terraces. Initially it was the beautiful outline of the mosque of Mohammed Ali that attracted me to come but I soon found out the Soviet MiGs and the tanks were more interesting!
Visits: 912 times
Last changed: Jul 14, 2007
55 items in this album
As the taxi could only drop me off right on the main street, I had to walk quite a while up before reaching the entrance
Mohammed Ali Mosque as viewed from the outside
Bab al-Gebel (entrance) of the Citadel
The same entrance tower as viewed from inside
As the taxi could only drop me off right on the main street, I had to walk quite a while up before reaching the entrance
Mohammed Ali Mosque as viewed from the outside
Bab al-Gebel (entrance) of the Citadel
The same entrance tower as viewed from inside
Tourist Police's hideout
Road leading up to the Mohammed Ali Mosque
One of the two guarding lions
Up above is the Gawhara terrace and the Mohammed Ali Mosque
Tourist Police's hideout
Road leading up to the Mohammed Ali Mosque
One of the two guarding lions
Up above is the Gawhara terrace and the Mohammed Ali Mosque
Full view of the Mohammed Ali Mosque and Mosque of an-Nasr Mohammed (on the right)
Mohammed Ali Mosque
There is a lion fountain in front of the south-western face of the mosque
This is the place where you could get a magnificent view of the Islamic Cairo
Full view of the Mohammed Ali Mosque and Mosque of an-Nasr Mohammed (on the right)
Mohammed Ali Mosque
There is a lion fountain in front of the south-western face of the mosque
This is the place where you could get a magnificent view of the Islamic Cairo
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