Vincent Poon :: Split
More than just any coastal city along the Adriatic coast, what made Split so unique is that the city itself was once one huge palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Nowadays you could still relive this history once you pass through one of the four gates of the palace
Visits: 1361 times
Last changed: Feb 28, 2016
156 items in this album
Popcorns and balloons, a one-stop-shop for the kids...
and then I came across this!
The stuff they are selling have got nothing to do with GoT, but they were selling GoT tour which would bring you to the locations where the TV series was shot in Split.
These boats will take you to the many islands lying outside Split
Popcorns and balloons, a one-stop-shop for the kids...
and then I came across this!
The stuff they are selling have got nothing to do with GoT, but they were selling GoT tour which would bring you to the locations where the TV series was shot in Split.
These boats will take you to the many islands lying outside Split
'We all live in a yellow submarine,Yellow submarine, yellow submarine' except that this submarine never goes under the water..
A coca-cola advertisement that is unique to Split only
On the way we saw a few of these shacks...
Would be handy if you have nowhere else to put your luggages, but do you trust them?
'We all live in a yellow submarine,Yellow submarine, yellow submarine' except that this submarine never goes under the water..
A coca-cola advertisement that is unique to Split only
On the way we saw a few of these shacks...
Would be handy if you have nowhere else to put your luggages, but do you trust them?
Also on the way we saw this interesting shop, can't believe it is on the main road to the bus station! Maybe it is just a shop for Halloween costumes?
Lots of cruise ships would also stop in Split
The piers for ferries to the islands
The second day we had very bad weather but got rewarded with this nice view after the rain stopped
Also on the way we saw this interesting shop, can't believe it is on the main road to the bus station! Maybe it is just a shop for Halloween costumes?
Lots of cruise ships would also stop in Split
The piers for ferries to the islands
The second day we had very bad weather but got rewarded with this nice view after the rain stopped
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