Vincent Poon :: Dubrovnik City - Old & New
Besides climbing the city walls and taking the cable car, the rest of our time was spent in the Old City exploring the museums and the churches, getting lost in the alleyways, checking out the Baroque and Gothic architecture, reading up the history and chilling out near the sea side. Although you could find many of these elements in many  other European cities, Dubrovnik in my opinion is still very unique and is definitely worth another visit
Visits: 997 times
Last changed: Apr 11, 2017
133 items in this album
Wine store
Arts and crafts...
Wine store
Arts and crafts...
On the last day we took a bus to the Dubrovnik main bus station before another 3 hr bus journey to Montenegro
The main bus station was fairly primitive for a city that has so many visitors, but I guess not many will take the bus
I was hoping this was not the type of bus that would take us to Montenegro
On the last day we took a bus to the Dubrovnik main bus station before another 3 hr bus journey to Montenegro
The main bus station was fairly primitive for a city that has so many visitors, but I guess not many will take the bus
I was hoping this was not the type of bus that would take us to Montenegro
One of the tour buses that will take you around Dubrovnik though I must confess we spent most of the time within the old city and never ventured out!
The cruise terminal was next to the bus station. Today we had 2 visiting ships
On the way we passed by this Franjo Tuđman Bridge, that was opened in 2002
One last view of the city before leaving to Budva, Montenegro
One of the tour buses that will take you around Dubrovnik though I must confess we spent most of the time within the old city and never ventured out!
The cruise terminal was next to the bus station. Today we had 2 visiting ships
On the way we passed by this Franjo Tuđman Bridge, that was opened in 2002
One last view of the city before leaving to Budva, Montenegro
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