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Friday 13th May 2005 01:49:47 AM

I read about a place which is the center of time.  In this center,  time stops.  Time flows steadly faster as one moves further away from the center of time, like ripples propagated from a spot.

Right at the center, things becomes completely motionless.  Holding hands, hugs and tender kisses would exist in eternity.  This fact attracts countless people to get closer to this center in search of eternal love, eternal life.  However, as they get closer, their motion become sluggish.  A smile near the center will take years.  A kiss will take a decade.  Light frequency is slowed down from dim to darkness -  there is no light at the center.

So, what does life means without time?  Is eternity a blessing or a curse?  Time passing by is a sorrow, yet eternity... perhaps eternity is nothing more than a dead butterfly in its specimen box.

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