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Wednesday 11th May 2005 12:10:43 AM

Tick ...tick...time has no sound, nor does it inundate life together with our precious memories.  It's perhaps we human beings who consign time with this fresh and soul.

Louis recommended me to read a novel about time.  The author suggests models of different cosmos where time and Einstein's physics are distorted.  A world where time flows backward, time frozen world, a world where end of time is known, a world without quantitative time...etc.  It tries to look at time through various dissections and try to observe human reactions to these mutated worlds.  Hopefully through these fantasy reveries, we can build up more insight into this otherwise intangible term from humanity point of view.  So what time means to us?  What is eternity? What is the purpose of time?  I think we are seeking more questions than answers in understanding time.

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