Timmy So :: Searching for the Past

I promised someone to search for her past on a special day, the past where both worlds co-exist.  Time is such a quick jumper.  Perhaps the only way to catch it is when one is young and agile;  the older one gets, the harder it becomes.  The irony is that people  want time to flow faster when young -- they complain that time was too slow.  As they mature, the desire to retain the past and to keep the fading passion of youth grows stronger,  Unfortunately, that always come with the declining ability to capture time.  It is then every second moves quicker then ever, like a bird never to be caught.  Nomatter how hard one tries, it slips through the fingers before we notice -- time has gone.   [Background music: Searching for the Past, by Secret Garden]

Visits: 1108 times
Last changed: Sep 23, 2005
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