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Wednesday 05th November 2008 07:56:54 AM

Tuesday November 4, 2008, is going to be a historic day, no matter how you look at it.

The world have come a long way in the last 50 years. Human civilization have already advanced to an age of globalization on the one hand, and have been able to leave the Planet Earth for the  exploration of  Space on the other.

Many developments, such as Global  economy, Global warming, internet, telecommunication via satellite, GPS, computer technology, energy resources¡K¡K..have created an environment in which, we as humans, have come to realized that we all live in the same planet, called Earth. Looking back at this Planet Earth from the Moon, and watching the phenomenal changes in deep space through Hubble, Spitz, Chandra and other telescopes, we have gained a different perspective as to what the Universe is , and where we are. The human beings have begun leaving the Planet Earth, just like Columbus preparing for his trip  several hundred years ago. Presently, we are way beyond Newton¡¦s Law of Motion;  beyond Einstein¡¦s Relativity, and Big Bang. We are confronting with the dark hole, the dark energy¡K¡K¡KNobody can slow down our advancing world!

Since WWII, for the past fifty years, USA, and its president have become the leader of the western world. They had indeed led the advancing world  well.

But, USA, as a country, has been weakened in the recent past, and is on a spiral downward turn. The global economy is critically sick, and needed resuscitation just recently. Our planet is in peril. The many challenges facing the new US President, both national and international, are enormous and urgent.

After today, the world will enter a new phase of its history. The Americans, and the world,deeply need, and are ready for a great leader.

I have voted for Barack Obama, and I have supported him with some donation and my time. I think he offers the best hope we have at this time. I believe he is gifted with the potential to be a great leader. I have written to him saying so.

Today,the United States as well as the world have come to a new frontier; the torch of the human civilization has been passed to the younger generation.

Can he do it? Only time can tell, and I pray that he can and he will.

May God bless our new President, bless Amrerica and  bless our World!

I am glad I have witnessed this historic day.

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