Murphy :: Awatere River Wine from New Zealand
Meet with Mr. Louis Vavasour, the Director of Awatere River Wine Company & Benson Crab & Wines Shop
Visits: 526 times
Last changed: Jun 30, 2010
2 items in this album
1/ Awatere Rivor Pinot Noir 2008
2/ Awatere Rivor Sauvignon Blanc 2009
The 2009 Awatere River Sauvignon Blanc is made from fruit sourced from the Awatere Valley Single Vineyard.
The wine shows wonderful fragrant aromatics, a rich complexity on the palate with an elegant finish.
This wine has been crafted to be enjoyed now but will appreciate cellaring through to 2012.
Album: Wine Training at Regal Hong Kong Hotel

Changed: Jun 30, 2010.
Contains: 31 items.
Viewed: 410 times.
Album: Shop Visit

Changed: Jun 30, 2010.
Contains: 20 items.
Viewed: 450 times.
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