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Wednesday 22nd October 2008 07:01:44 PM

25102008 土


有時覺得係咪應該再眷戀依度, 定係早日回家..

不過我都知道日本只係一個旅遊點, 我的家始終係香港...

唔明白日本人諗d咩, 完全接受唔到...
但佢地每個笑臉迎人既背後都好似都存有變態細胞... 睇唔透... 好得人驚...


已經一年半啦... 又到我決定下一個目標...
而今次既選擇... 仲會影響我既下半生.....

Saturday 02nd October 2010 04:48:20 PM
People all over the world take the business loans in different creditors, because that's comfortable.

Thursday 23rd September 2010 04:50:19 PM
From: ROSENorris24
I think that to get the mortgage loans from banks you ought to present a great motivation. But, one time I've received a auto loan, just because I was willing to buy a bike.

Saturday 14th August 2010 01:28:13 AM
From: RiosSophia26
Every body understands that men's life is not very cheap, nevertheless some people need cash for different stuff and not every person earns big sums money. Thence to get fast credit loans and just short term loan would be good solution.

Friday 13th August 2010 09:21:39 PM
From: ChandlerLINDSEY29
If you are willing to buy a house, you will have to get the mortgage loans. Furthermore, my sister usually utilizes a auto loan, which supposes to be really rapid.

Thursday 12th August 2010 08:39:13 PM
From: HERRING33Ester
Various people in all countries take the credit loans in various creditors, because it's comfortable and fast.

Thursday 12th August 2010 05:04:43 PM
From: Odessa18Rosario
If you are in a not good position and have got no cash to go out from that, you would need to take the mortgage loans. Just because it would help you for sure. I take bank loan every year and feel myself fine because of this.

Saturday 24th July 2010 07:27:01 PM
From: AlyceEstrada
It is known that money can make us independent. But how to act if someone does not have cash? The only one way is to try to get the credit loans and just college loan.

Sunday 18th July 2010 01:33:56 AM
From: ErmaKirk18
This is understandable that cash makes people disembarrass. But how to act when one has no cash? The one way is to get the mortgage loans or commercial loan.

Monday 12th July 2010 07:21:51 PM
From: ReyesLeola18
Different people in all countries receive the personal loans in various banks, because it is simple.

Saturday 03rd July 2010 02:02:16 PM
From: RANDOLPHJosephine21
People deserve wealthy life time and business loans or just small business loan would make it much better. Just because people's freedom depends on money.

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