jeanliu :: 燒焦的樹
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Last changed: Jan 21, 2009
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51:1-4  神阿、求你按你的慈愛憐恤我、按你豐盛的慈悲塗抹我的過犯。 你將我的罪孽洗除淨盡、並潔除我的罪。因為我知道我的過犯.我的罪常在我面前。我向你犯罪、惟獨得罪了你、在你眼前行了這惡、以致你責備我的時候、顯為公義.判斷我的時候、顯為清正。

Have pity on me, O God, in your mercy; out of a full heart, take away my sin.

Let all my wrongdoing be washed away, and make me clean from evil.

For I am conscious of my error; my sin is ever before me. mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

Against you, you only, have I done wrong, working that which is evil in your eyes; so that your words may be seen to be right, and you may be clear when you are judging.

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