golfer :: Alia Cheung
Alia Cheung
Alia is set to break in to the modelling world, she is equipped with a pair of beautiful legs and a head of long hair. She is going places.
Visits: 9964 times
Last changed: Jun 11, 2009
1 photo in this album
Alia Cheung
斜陽伴晚烟 我像歸鳥倦 晚霞伴我過稻田
重回覓愛戀 愛情路比阡陌亂 情路太多彎轉
兩心早相牽 抑壓痴痴念 重逢恨晚亦未如願
從來情感多虧欠 不知道在那一天 可再度回到你身邊
回頭近晚天 愛在心裏現 盼能回復我從前
尋回舊愛戀 兩人內心早有願 誰願計走幾遠
Alia Cheung VC 00021sz
Album: Alia Cheung 2009.06.07
Hong Kong University

Changed: Jun 15, 2009.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 9418 times.
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