Candice Chan :: Lake Tekapo, Mt John Observatory
Visits: 471 times
Last changed: Apr 21, 2019
26 items in this album


如果你很幸運地沒有遇上烏龜或蝸牛,從Christchurch 去 Lake Tekapo 大概 要2:40hrs, 。Lake Tekapo 是一個清晰的湖泊,以美麗星空而聞名。本來想在這裡留兩晚影星星,但天氣不似預期,所以在晚上吃過飯後只在湖邊走走。若在籃天白雲下陽光照耀下,Lake Tekapo顯得更加清晰。


Farmers Corner (restaurant) (on the way)


Mt John Observatory


晚上在 Mt John Observatory 看星空,NZ99. 一定要join tour 才能晚上進入Mt John Observatory



Farmers Corner
Farmers Corner
Farmers Corner
Lanvender on the way
Farmers Corner
Viewed: 26 times.
Farmers Corner
Viewed: 31 times.
Farmers Corner
Viewed: 24 times.
Lanvender on the way
Viewed: 28 times.
Mt John Observatory
Astro Café
Astro Café
Mt John Observatory
Mt John Observatory
Viewed: 24 times.
Astro Café
Viewed: 28 times.
Astro Café
Viewed: 18 times.
Mt John Observatory
Viewed: 22 times.
Mt John Observatory
Mt John Observatory
Mazda 3
Mt John Observatory
Viewed: 12 times.
Mt John Observatory
Viewed: 34 times.
Mazda 3
Viewed: 15 times.
Viewed: 22 times.
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