Candice Chan :: Seoul & Alpensia, Korea Jan16
Visits: 600 times
Last changed: Jan 02, 2017
34 items in this album
Day 1: (-8 度)HKG - SEL, shop at 東大門  (巧遇狂躁的士司機)
Day 2: (-10 度)Myong-Dong shopping, Shuttle Bus to Alpensia Ski Resort (3 hrs long)
Day 3: (-15 度)Snowboarding @ Alpensia 2018 Winter Olymmpic place) (exicting mode)
Day 4: (我好肯定超過-23度)Snowboarding @ Alpensia (lazy mode),
Day 5: (-20 度)Alpensia - ICN APT, SEL - HKG


(今次破例 post 最近的旅行相先, 因為十幾日的 New Zealand trip 真的需要多一點點的時間整理.)

是次行程非常緊密, 又要 shopping, 又要 snoboarding, 如果多一兩日更好.

跟朋友們說了好一陣子, snowboaring snowboarding, 就選了 2018 年冬季奧運會比賽場地 (CNN 話 這個是KOREA Top 6 滑雪場, 最重要是 Resort 是 2009 年開的, 相比其他場地是較新和乾淨)這個場有七條賽道, 其中只有一條適合十年沒有滑的我. 其餘真的只可遠觀而不可褻玩焉。而 Korea的神再次顯靈, 賜我籃天白雲, 但沒有下雪地上真的只有冰, 第二日被雪車剷過的滑雪場更留下不深不淺的車太痕, 落山路線就像預先設定,初級如我要用更多的體力才可掙脫這條軌道.



第一次感受到零下二十度 (鼻和口也不想外露)

第一次晚上六時許便回酒店 (因為外面又凍又大風)

第一次在不想拍照,因為拍照 =你要除手套再而讓手暴露在嚴冬中,朋友見你影相便很醒目的走過來讓我拍。

第一次嘗試 Blind shooting, 意指載或不載Goggles也看不到畫面,因為iphone 反光貼給 Korean 的太陽神照著, 亮得什麼也看不到, 真的從心出發, 用心去亂影. 冒求拍得一兩張像樣的照片.

第一次感受到連唯一的相機 (iPhone) 也因為身體在 Outdoor太長時間而太冷, 發脾氣的 turn off 自己. 可憐的我在冰展當時看著火燒的日落, 冷酷無情的 iPhone 也不顧我的感受繼續冬眠, 直至腳指也凍冰的的不得買杯 warm chocolate 坐在暖風機風口最近的位置, 大家也從寒冷中甦醒過來,再繼續工作.

Special Thanks to below web site whch guide us to the destination

Issac @ Myeong-dong
1 L真露 @ Alpensia Ski Resort
flied chicken @ Alpensia (so cold outside ma)
Morning + Afternoon Ticket
Issac @ Myeong-dong
Viewed: 117 times.
1 L真露 @ Alpensia Ski Resort
Viewed: 131 times.
flied chicken @ Alpensia (so cold outside ma)
Viewed: 87 times.
Morning + Afternoon Ticket
Viewed: 93 times.
Alpensia Ski Resort
see you in 2018!!
my snowboard, havn't play for almost 10 years!!
View from Primary Lift
Alpensia Ski Resort
Viewed: 99 times.
see you in 2018!!
Viewed: 87 times.
my snowboard, havn't play for almost 10 years!!
Viewed: 76 times.
View from Primary Lift
Viewed: 76 times.
so cold,'s freezing...
View from the hill
snow is okay for the first day!!
earning morning
so cold,'s freezing...
Viewed: 96 times.
View from the hill
Viewed: 96 times.
snow is okay for the first day!!
Viewed: 78 times.
earning morning
Viewed: 102 times.
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