:: Graduation in PolyU 27,28/11/2004

10 Albums inside

Visits: 2700 times
Last changed: Aug 17, 2008
11 items in this album
Album: 27號的一個睌上.............. 畢業同學睌膳 2
Photos from other The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
27/11/2004 night
Beijing Suites I - III, Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui
Beijing Suites I - III, Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui

Changed: Aug 15, 2005.
Contains: 117 items.
Album: 27號的下午和夜睌睌膳..........同學仔

Photos from other classmates : Ronnie, KenTammy, StellaMandy Pao, Kitty and Hilda
27/11/2004 afternoon & night
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Beijing Suites I - III, Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui

Changed: Aug 17, 2008.
Contains: 7 items.
Album: 28號的下午..........五湖四海的朋友(下半埸)
28/11/2004 afternoon
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 86 items.
Album: 28號的下午..........五湖四海的朋友(上半埸)
28/11/2004 afternoon
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 99 items.
Album: 28號的新一個上午............ 預科舊同學來訪
28/11/2004 morning
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 21 items.
Album: 28號的上午............ IVE舊同學聚會(下半場)
28/11/2004 morning
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 50 items.
graduation of johnathan 056
Album: 28號的新一個上午............ IVE舊同學聚會(上半場)

28/11/2004 morning
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 53 items.
Album: 28號的下午..........我是被攝者
Photos From Ivy

28/11/2004 afternoon
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 62 items.
Album: 27號的一個睌上.............. 畢業同學睌膳
27/11/2004 night
Beijing Suites I - III, Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 11 items.
PolyU camplan
Album: 27號的一個下午............ 畢業同學相聚

27/11/2004 afternoon
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Changed: Apr 09, 2005.
Contains: 65 items.
PolyU camplan
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